Some words about Yerevan and Armenian culture

We recommend visiting Yerevan. Yerevan is the capital of Armenian Republic


Yerevan is built on seven hills. It is the 12-th capital of Armenian Republic and one of the oldest cities in the world, older than Rome. Numerous ancient monuments, prehistoric caves and shelters, fortresses, heathen temples, medieval castles, Christian churches and crossstones testify it. The oldest settlements of Yerevan are Shengavit, Arin Berd, Karmir Blur and Tsitsernakaberd. Here cuneiform inscriptions were discovered which are valuable for elucidation of Armenian, Transcaucasian and Oriental history. Yerevan had been reffered to as the capital since 1437- 1467. In 1924 talented architect Alexander Tamanyan designed Yerevan's master plan. New districts, parks, squares, sports grounds, avenues, cultural centres appeared. Armenian famous cultural centres are located in Yerevan. Al. Spendiaryan State Academic Theatre of Opera And Ballet and Matenadaran, treasury of ancient manuscripts are located in the centre of the capital. The manuscripts of Matenadaran preserve important information about Armenian people and neighbouring nations. Wonderful is the Republic where the State Museum of Art and Literature, the State Picture Gallery are located. In Yerevan Komitas Musical Conservatory and many museums, picture galleries, musical and art schools, libraries, centres of aesthetic education and cinemas functionate. Numerous sculptures adorn the capital, among which "Sasuntsi David" monument and the memorial "Mayr Hayastan" are distinguished.
