Oslo International Church Music Festival 2011

This is one of Norway’s leading church music festivals and has been held annually since its founding in 2000. The Festival has proven very popular and has offered Norwegian audiences an extensive programme featuring some of the most highly renowned international and Norwegian choirs, orchestras and church musicians. The Festival aims to capture the wonderful range of church music from the Middle Ages to the present day and to captivate audiences with a plethora of expressions and styles. Our desire is to reflect the time we live in and to offer our audience new approaches and musical encounters. We believe that the Festival allows for both tradition and experimentation in its unique combination of eras, styles and musicians.


Friday 25 March
19:00 Opening concert with outstanding Norwegian performers

Saturday 26 March
16:30 Svenska Kammarkören - Johannes Brahms "Ein Deutsches Requiem"

20:00 Italian sacred instrumental music

Sunday 27 March
11:00 Festival High Mass - Oslo Cathedral

11:00 Festival High Mass - Swedish Church of St Margareta

11:00 Festival High Mass - Ris Church

11:00 Festival High Mass - Bredtvet Church

18:15 Karl Gervin provides an introduction to Requiem

19:00 Ars Nova Copenhagen - Conductor Paul Hillier

Monday 28 March
09:30 A seminar on children, song and faith

18:45 Lecture by Bishop Emeritus Gunnar Stålsett

19:30 Música antigua with Eduardo Paniagua

Thuesday 29 March
19:30 Accademia Bizantina and Sonia Prina - Conductor Ottavio Dantone

Wednesday 30 March
19:30 Concerto Copenhagen and Maria Keohane - Conductor Lars Ulrik Mortensen

Thursday 31 March
17:30 Evensong with Gamle Aker Church Choir

20:00 Tord Gustavsen - Premiere: Commentary work on Requiem

Friday 1 April
19:30 Francesco Feo - "Passio secundum Joannem"

Saturday 2 April
16:00 Organ concert - Bine Katrine Bryndorf

19:00 Closing concert: Mozart's Requiem - Conductor Paul McCreesh

Sunday 3 April
11:00 Festival High Mass - Oslo Cathedral

11:00 Family church service - Fagerborg Church

15:00 Oslo premiere of new commissioned work - "Sommerens Maria"

19:30 Organ and video - Kåre Nordstoga and Ole Marius Jørgensen

Related video:

International Church Music Festival: Orpheus from Ukraine

Internation Church Music Festival: Randy Schilb leads hymns

