Icon Art Studios

a gift, to connect with others on an emotional, intellectual and spiritual level. Art is a way we experience something larger than ourselves. We carry with us our life story, along with our fears and sadness, joys and blessings and it is through this personal lens that we experience art. There is an inherent richness; a beauty that resides in this universal truth and within it, a rich opportunity for dialogue.
Sacred Art

In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, sacred art is believed to be divinely inspired by God and the artist is the vessel through which the Holy Spirit conveys its truth. Icons - two-dimensional painted images of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the saints-are revered as important tools for worship and devotion. They contain a capacity to inspire prayerfulness and contemplation. The style of writing (painting) icons remains timeless and is intended to provide a window to another world. To be an iconographer is to answer a calling and to fulfill a responsibility. 

